Techniqually I'm at work and shouldn't be on the computer but, when you are the only one scheduled, and you have only helped two cusotmers in the last two hours, and everything else is caught up it tends to get a little boring in the land of Cold Stone. Thus, I will update the blog. Where to begin... well school is coming along. It hasn't been to stressful and I've been keeping up on my homework leaving me most weekends to play and have fun. I'm really liking my photography classes. Despite the hours I put into my prints and other projects and the amount of complaints I express to various people (mostly Andrew) I am loving photography. While some days it makes me a little crazy and I wonder why in the world I chose to do this to my self, I am extreamly happy with my major and inteded career choice. My painting class on the otehr hand is something I would rather not discuss, so I'm not going to. That goes for my "food, technology, and health" class. Its just a silly depth credit that, to be honest I don't pay much attention in. As for the rest of life, things are going good. Work is work and school is school, enough said. So some positive things in life. The wedding (ps 70 more days)plans are coming along nicely and I'm getting down to the last final decisions and plans. Andrew and I still need to register and pick out a cake, among other things. But on a positive note in the last two weeks we had our engagements and our bridals/groomals taken.(pictures will be posted then I get them)It was interesting being on the other side of the camera for once and I acutally enjoyed it. We will see if that shows on my face in the acutal pictures. Other then going to school, working, planning a wedding and enjoying life there is not much else. I guess something to report is that my intramural volleyball team is playing in the semi-finals tonight and hopefully we make it to the finals tomorrow. Not exactly the most exciting thing but still its a good outlet to the stresses of life. Well I guess thats it for now. Hopefully pictures will be up soon!