Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Best Pup Ever

Yesterday my mom called to let me know that our dog, Cosmo, had passed away, this was not too much of a shock because she had been really sick and not eating for about the last month, but after 16 years of having her around you kind of get attached. We got Cosmo shortly after I turned 8, my brother finally convinced my parents to let him get a dog so he went to the pound and picked her out. She was such a spunky dog her whole life and was a very loving animal. I will miss her dancing for cookies, and taking her on walks. I have a lot of good memories of her from over the years, such as, swimming in the canal by our house in Price and having her jump in to rescue us, escaping during our christmas light drive around the different neighborhoods and chasing after her for what seemed like hours, watching her try to be brave and bark at a sheep that got in our back yard when we lived in Price and then promptly running away when the sheep took a step towards her, and many many other great memories. I will miss you Puppy, But I am glad you are in a better place and can once again run around. Rest in peace pup, you are much loved and will be missed.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


So not much has happened with us lately, Andrew is starting to get burned out with school, and I think we are both looking forward to spring break. Hopefully we will get to do something fun, and he can take a break from all his homework and studying. One bit of exciting news for us is that we are going to New York in May! I am so excited!!! I have always wanted to go to NYC, and you better believe my camera will be my best friend while we are there. I am so excited for all the fun things we are going to do and for the time we will get to spend together and with our good friends Mike and Brenda, our designated travel buddies! We have been wanting to take a trip with Mike and Brenda for a while and we talked about a few options before finally deciding on going to New York. I'm looking forward to posting my pictures and telling you all about it in the future, but for now I will continue to dream about it, and think about what I am going to pack even though it is still over two months away. oh well, it is giving me something to look forward too!